Drugs To Avoid On Accutane


Accutane, also known as isotretinoin, is a powerful medication used to treat persistent acne. While it's highly effective, it's crucial to be aware of potential drug interactions that can occur while taking this medication. This comprehensive guide will explore the drugs to avoid while on Accutane, helping you navigate your treatment safely and effectively.

Understanding Accutane and Its Interactions

Accutane is a potent acne treatment that works by shrinking oil glands, reducing oil production, promoting cell turnover, and decreasing inflammation caused by c. acnes bacteria. However, its effectiveness comes with the need for careful management of potential drug interactions.

According to Drugs.com, Accutane has 131 known drug interactions. Of these, 24 are considered major, and 107 are moderate. This highlights the importance of being cautious about what medications you take while on Accutane.

Major Drug Interactions with Accutane

While the full list of drug interactions is extensive, here are some common medications that have known interactions with Accutane:

  • Doxycycline
  • Lamictal (lamotrigine)
  • Vitamin A supplements

It's crucial to inform your healthcare provider about all medications you're taking, including over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, and supplements.

Specific Categories of Drugs to Avoid

Tetracycline Antibiotics

Combining tetracycline antibiotics with Accutane can increase the risk of intracranial hypertension. This combination should be avoided unless specifically prescribed by your doctor.

Vitamin A Supplements

Accutane is a form of vitamin A, so taking additional vitamin A supplements can lead to vitamin A toxicity. It's best to avoid these supplements unless directed by your doctor.

Certain Acne Medications

Some topical acne treatments can increase skin irritation when used with Accutane. Always consult your healthcare provider before using any additional acne treatments.

Other Substances to Be Cautious About


While not a drug, alcohol consumption should be limited or avoided while on Accutane. Both can affect liver function, and combining them may increase the risk of liver damage.

St. John's Wort

This herbal supplement can interact with many medications, including Accutane. It's best to avoid it during your treatment.

Birth Control Considerations

It's crucial to note that Accutane can cause serious birth defects. According to WebMD, Accutane should not be taken with a progestin-only birth control pill. Patients who can become pregnant must use two forms of effective contraception during treatment and for a month after stopping Accutane.

The Importance of Professional Guidance

Given the complexity of Accutane's interactions, it's crucial to have professional guidance throughout your treatment. This is where services like Honeydew Care can be invaluable.

Honeydew Care: Expert Guidance for Your Accutane Journey

Honeydew Care is a telemedicine provider that offers comprehensive Accutane treatment, including expert guidance on drug interactions. Their service includes:

  • Online consultations with trained providers
  • Prescription management
  • iPledge program management
  • Ongoing support via chat
  • Progress tracking with photos

With Honeydew Care, you can receive low-cost, on-demand treatment for acne and other dermatological conditions. Their providers are trained in low-dose Accutane therapy, which can offer fewer side effects and a lower risk of relapse.

Why Choose Honeydew Care for Your Accutane Treatment?

Choosing Honeydew Care for your Accutane treatment offers several advantages:

  1. Expert Guidance: Honeydew Care providers are trained specifically in Accutane therapy, ensuring you receive expert care throughout your treatment.
  2. Convenience: With online consultations and chat support, you can get care when you need it without long wait times or office visits.
  3. Cost-Effective: According to Honeydew Care's pricing page, members save an average of $600 per year on medication costs.
  4. Time-Saving: Members save an average of 10 hours per year on travel and waiting room time.
  5. Comprehensive Care: Honeydew Care manages your entire Accutane journey, from prescription to progress tracking.

By choosing Honeydew Care, you're not just getting Accutane treatment - you're getting a comprehensive care package that ensures your safety and maximizes your treatment's effectiveness.


Navigating Accutane treatment requires careful attention to potential drug interactions. While the list of drugs to avoid can seem daunting, with proper guidance and management, Accutane can be a safe and effective treatment for persistent acne.

Remember, always consult with your healthcare provider before starting or stopping any medication while on Accutane. And consider services like Honeydew Care for comprehensive, expert-guided Accutane treatment that takes the guesswork out of managing your acne care.

With the right approach and support, you can safely harness the power of Accutane to achieve clearer, healthier skin. Your journey to better skin health starts with informed decisions and expert care - and that's exactly what Honeydew Care offers.